Section: Games and Demos (6)
Updated: May 24, 1995
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tictac2 - play tictactoe against computerized opponent, another user on the system, and, of course, yourself. ;)  


tictac2 cpu,me,user [user,tty]  


Tictac2 is the game tictactoe or, if you will, X'S and O'S a traditional childrens pad and pencil game.  


The current version is 0.6

You will get to move first, use the cursor keys to select your move. When the box you want to move in is hi-lighted press the enter key. That will place an X in the box you selected. The objective of the game is to have 3 X'S in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

The options are as follows:

Play-Against-Computer mode.

The computer will act as the second player. The computer will first check to see if it can win by making a move. If it can't it will try to block you from winning. If it doesn't it will go into a random section defined by the computer_moves[] array in ai.c. Watch out, he's pretty sneaky ;).

Play-Against-Yourself mode.

You will act both as the first player and the second player. Once you make your first move, it will prompt you to make another move to make the second player's move. Ya. It's lots of fun...


Sorry guys, I haven't finished this yet because I can't find any stuff on sending messages between users on linux systems'. If you have any of this information, please send it to me and I'll be happy.

When a player wins the game by having 3 X's or O's in a row, it will show you a message and quit. You have to run tictac2 again to play the game again. you will have to press a key to quit. It will show you the GNU license before quitting.  


Sometimes the game will call a winner when no-one has won yet.

If you found a bug please send me E-Mail.  


My current E-Mail Address is am256@freenet.carleton.ca




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